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Departure Day Has Arrived

Posted by on May 1, 2014
This entry is part 2 of 9 in the series 2014 Ride to Georgia

The first leg of my 2014 ride was started this morning from our farm on Agate Bay Rd.

I rode out at 8:45  amidst  a canopy of clouds and sun with a temperature of only 2 C. and headed to Kamloops where I would then travel down the Fraser Canyon to Hope and then to Victoria via the Tsawwassen ferry. The trip was quite uneventful but also enjoyable as the sun was shining and the traffic was light.

The staff at Island BMW were, as usual, very professional and helpful with Bill Wellbourn adding that little bit extra.     We participated in the show of support for the family of Leading Seaman Brandon South as he was brought home to his family. Brandon South a 14 year veteran of our armed forces was servicing on the HMCS Regina near Tanzania when he became very ill an passed on in the hospital. The amount of support showed by the people of Victoria that lined the highway and overpasses from the airport showed that most people realize how important  our men and women in the forces are.IMG-20140430-00339 IMG-20140430-00342

My heart definitely goes out to Brandon South’s family


Series Navigation<< 2014 has been a great year and I’m sure will continueLeaving Victoria >>

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